Tonka Toys at Letton
It has been a little while since we last blogged – but life has been rather full!
After a long period of prayerfully exploring options for renewable energy, involving several false starts and some trips up blind alleys, we have finally embarked on the installation of a biomass plant for Letton Hall. This is a large and expensive project, but will be significantly enabled by the Government’s renewable heat incentives (RHI).
Right now, as I write, I can hear the heavy equipment, diggers, dumpers and tele-handlers, moving around outside, where the team are digging trenches to lay ‘heat main’ pipes to the existing boiler rooms in our various buildings, as the heating and hot water supply for almost the whole site will come from one point. Two large biomass boilers, burning wood pellets, will be situated in a plant room in the sheds. Our grounds and car park look a bit like a building site at the moment, but once this phase is complete, the boiler room can be put together and connected up. The scars will take a little while to heal, but hopefully, before long it will be hard to see where the diggers have been!
It has been quite an upheaval so far and our resident groups have been very patient with the inevitable interruptions and background noise but, thankfully, all has progressed well and no-one has come to harm.
We are excited about this opportunity to move away from fossil fuels, to be as ‘green’ as we can and to be better stewards of our resources. Please pray for the success and safety of the project and a smooth transition from oil to pellet power!